Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fun, Fun, Fun

T1 and T2 played ball this summer.  It's always fun to watch them enjoy a sport, make new friends, and succeed.  

One of the many reasons I love summer!

We thought they would love going to watch some real ballplayers so we took them to a Grizzlies' game.   Little did we know, it was $2 food night!  The tickets were free to us, so we let the kids enjoy some ballpark food.  We watched the Grizzlies pull in a win in beautiful weather while the kids blew their weezer whistles and chowed down.  

What a great night!

God Guiding Us

Some moments you just don't want to forget.

All of our small group guys were gathering at our house for a friend's birthday.  Me and the T's cleaned the house, made stuffed mushrooms and smokies, and then packed up and headed to town to a friend's house where all of the girls and kids were hanging out for the evening.  

Five mamas, twelve kids, and a houseful of food, toys, and overall chaos.  Spilled soda, loud squeals of laughter, shared baby bottles, poop handprint on the wall (it wouldn't be real without it!), some drinks, and lots of talking and laughing.  Then, it was winding down....and raining.  It's now 11:00 and way past all of their bedtimes.  They're tired and tender.

I packed up my crew, the odds and ends I could remember and headed out in a downpour to the van.  I buckle T4 in, T1 gets T3.  I'm soaked, and it's still pouring.  Lightning lights the sky like a strobe light.  Thunder startles the kids.  I ask the kids to be quiet so I can concentrate for our normally 15 minute ride home.  They amazingly stayed quiet.  T2 calmed T3 who was scared.  T1 softly hummed to T4.

The lightning was continuous.  Several times, our van would lose traction.  The amount of rain water overwhelmed the ground.  On a curve, we hydroplaned and I feared the van would not make the turn.  It did.  We drove through inches of rain at the four way stop.  We got home and quietly got out.

T1 said that was the scariest ride he'd ever been on.  I told him me too.  T2 gave me a big hug.  T3's little face was full of anxiety and melted when I picked him up.  Mike grabbed T4.  We prayed and thanked God for our safety.  The kids were jammied, brushed and pottied.  After they were down, I snuggled into Mike's arms and let him know how frightening it was.  He held me tight.

God's provision is incomprehensible.

Birthday Fun

Another year has gone way too quickly.  I never felt like I was getting old, until I had children.  Even then, my age didn't make me feel old; it was my children's increasing years that caused me to realize that time is happening so fast.  This year was #35 and the first time that my number made me catch my breath!  All of the T's made me a card, and they always touch me.  T2's cake, decorated with all 35 candles, about made me fall over.....

Regardless of the momentary realization that I'm know longer a young mama, this had to be my best birthday yet.  Last year, I was on bed rest for my birthday and just praying that T4 wouldn't come at 30 weeks like they were worried she might.  Not quite the birthday celebration everyone hopes for, although I did score a homemade fondue night with the family.  This year, I was just so thankful to count my blessings:

an incredibly strong marriage to an amazing man

four beautiful, happy and healthy children

great friends

a faithful, loving, helpful family
an incredible small group
a church that is accepting God's challenge
a warm home with plenty of food
grace abounding
God's endless love
Jesus' overwhelming sacrifice
Holy Spirit's leading
a beautiful world to experience

Thank you, God.